Where to Plug in Sata Cable on Motherboard

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Dec 30, 2015
  • #1
Hello, sorry for the noob question but I recently purchased a Silverstone 1-8 Pwm fan hub (model no SST-CPF04) and I connected the 4 pin connector from the Hub to the Sys fan and connected the case fan to the Hub but there is a another cable from the Hub which I believe is a Sata Power cable but I'm unsure where I put this. Any help would be much appreciated
Feb 22, 2015
  • #2
Hello, sorry for the noob question but I recently purchased a Silverstone 1-8 Pwm fan hub (model no SST-CPF04) and I connected the 4 pin connector from the Hub to the Sys fan and connected the case fan to the Hub but there is a another cable from the Hub which I believe is a Sata Power cable but I'm unsure where I put this. Any help would be much appreciated

You plug the hub's SATA power...

to the PSU's SATA power cable that looks like this:

This is the same cable that powers your SSD/HDD/ODD drives.
Feb 22, 2015
  • #2
Hello, sorry for the noob question but I recently purchased a Silverstone 1-8 Pwm fan hub (model no SST-CPF04) and I connected the 4 pin connector from the Hub to the Sys fan and connected the case fan to the Hub but there is a another cable from the Hub which I believe is a Sata Power cable but I'm unsure where I put this. Any help would be much appreciated

You plug the hub's SATA power...

to the PSU's SATA power cable that looks like this:

This is the same cable that powers your SSD/HDD/ODD drives.
Dec 30, 2015
  • #3
I am not sure what cable that is based on the photo you provided. Sorry I might just be dumb but I have no idea what I'm looking at cause the cables powering my HDD/SSD is just a normal small sata cable which goes into my motherboard and then the other end into the device but I don't think the cable I need is exactly the same. It's so hard to explain. https://ibb.co/h6ccoF that link Leeds to a photo of the cable I'm trying to plugin in case I misinformed you.
Dec 30, 2015
  • #4
Don't worry I think I found it thanks anyway though
Feb 22, 2015
  • #5
The small sata cable that you mentioned that is plugged in your motherboard is a SATA DATA cable (not a SATA POWER cable). The photo I posted above is the cable that powers your drives (it is connected to your PSU - power supply).

Look again in one of your HDD/SSD - there should be TWO cables in there: 1) is the small sata DATA cable connected to the motherboard; the other 2) is the larger sata POWER cable (right beside that small DATA cable) which is connected to your PSU (power supply). Trace that sata POWER cable and you'll probably see some other vacant slots (like the one in the photo I posted which has 4 slots). Plug your Hub sata power connector (the first photo I posted and the one you are holding in your photo linked) into one of the available slots of that sata POWER cable.

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Where to Plug in Sata Cable on Motherboard

Source: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/where-does-a-sata-power-cable-go.3029911/

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